Seller Payment method Rate Limits Avg. Trade Speed Action
Isse Moh
Trades: 0 | 0%
Philippine Local Banks 35,624.28 PHP/ BNB 700.00 - 427,491.32 PHP No trades yet
Jerry F Franc
Trades: 0 | 0%
Philippine Local Banks 35,278.41 PHP/ BNB 700.00 - 176,000.00 PHP No trades yet
Gabrael Inong
Trades: 0 | 0%
Philippine Local Banks 35,278.41 PHP/ BNB 1,000.00 - 250,000.00 PHP No trades yet
Mia Do
Trades: 0 | 0%
PayPal 35,278.41 PHP/ BNB 2,000.00 - 175,128.57 PHP No trades yet
Mia Do
Trades: 1 | 100%
Philippine Local Banks 35,105.48 PHP/ BNB 1,000.00 - 174,270.10 PHP 13 Minutes
Gabrael Inong
Trades: 0 | 0%
Payoneer 623.40 USD/ BNB 100.00 - 15,585.09 USD No trades yet

Explore fast crypto solutions for easy market entry!

Explanation of How Our Peer-to-Peer (P2P) System Works

Place an Order

When you place a P2P order, the crypto asset will be held in escrow by BitSilco.

Pay the Seller

Complete the payment transaction via the suggested methods on the BitSilco P2P platform. When the fiat payment is completed, click "Transferred, notify seller" on BitSilco.

Get Your Crypto

Once the seller confirms receiving the payment, the escrowed cryptocurrency will be released to you.

Receive Your Cryptocurrency

Once the seller confirms they've received the payment, the escrowed cryptocurrency will be released to you.

Make Payment to the Seller

Send funds to the seller using the recommended payment methods. Finalize the fiat transaction and click "Transferred, notify seller" on BitSilco.

Place an Order

When you place a P2P order, BitSilco P2P will escrow the cryptocurrency asset.

Unlock the Latest Features and Enhance Your Experience with Empower Direct Peer-to-Peer Trading!

  • feature Icon

    Convenient Payment Options

    Easily send funds to the seller using our recommended payment methods. Finalize the fiat transaction by clicking 'Transferred, notify seller' on BitSilco P2P.

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    Secure Wallet Service

    BitSilco offers a 24/7 customer support service to assist users with any inquiries or issues they may encounter. Our dedicated support team is committed to providing timely and helpful solutions to ensure a smooth trading experience for all users.

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    Financial Institution Fund Transfer

    Easily and securely transfer money between different financial institutions without any hassle. P2P makes it simple for you to move your funds from one account to another with complete safety.

Common Questions And Answers

Get Answers to Your Queries: Common Questions Demystified!

BitSilco offers 24/7 customer support to assist users with any inquiries or issues they may encounter. You can contact our dedicated support team via email, live chat, or phone for prompt assistance.
BitSilco charges a small fee for each trade executed on the platform. These fees vary depending on the trading volume and other factors. You can find detailed information about fees on our website.
BitSilco supports many cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, USDT, BNB, Litecoin, Ripple, etc.
P2P trading on BitSilco allows users to trade cryptocurrencies with each other directly without the involvement of intermediaries. Users can create ads specifying their trading terms; others can respond to these ads to initiate trades.
To withdraw funds from your BitSilco account, navigate to the withdrawal section on the platform, specify the amount you wish to transfer and select your preferred withdrawal method. Follow the instructions to complete the withdrawal process.
You can deposit funds into your BitSilco account using various payment methods, including bank transfers, online wallets, and more. Navigate to the deposit section on the platform and follow the instructions.
Yes, BitSilco prioritizes the security of user funds and personal information. We employ advanced encryption and security protocols to ensure a safe trading environment.
Cryptocurrency exchange is a digital platform where users can buy, sell, or trade cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and others.

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